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"Looking for the beautiful in all living soul, photography is painting with light"

Clément Fontaine

Wildlife and conservation photographer

Clément Fontaine

Wildlife and conservation photographer


  • The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation's Environmental Photography Award finaliste in "in the forest" category for "Predator VS Predator"
  • Siena Awards: Honarable Mention for "Predator VS Predator" in Animal in their environment category
  • Story of survival awards: Runner up  and highly commanded in Mammals category for "Predator VS Predator" and "Love fight"
  • Wild Photo award: Highly commanded for "Green Camouflage"
  • 35th awards: Best of Wild cats contest and Top 50 Wildlife nomination for "Predator VS Predator"
  • PX3 Paris photo award 2023 Bronze medal in Wildlife categroy for "Predator VS Predator"


  • Art gallery in Paris in november 2022
  • "Prenons la Pause" photo festival in ocober 2022
  • Henri Bergson highshcool may-june 2023



  • Nat'image N°79 april/may 2023 " Pantanal, jaguar paradise"